Sunday, February 15, 2009

No, this site has not been abandoned!

Hi Moonies. We are really behind and we on staff feel we owe you an explanation for why we’ve been AWOL for a while. The Me has been busy behind the scenes, and I just got this ever-breaky laptop back today. Aside from that, I had a bit of a health crisis to deal with for the last few weeks. Before I go any further, I have to really hand it to the tech who for the last 2 years has managed to fix the terrible problems with this machine, often at prices much less than what HP would charge to fix it! The good news is, I recently found out that I should be okay in the next few months and I can resume going back to my normal life. When this hit, unfortunately I had to back out of a big surprise I was planning for you all. Emilie-Claire Barlow (Sailor Venus #2) had scheduled a concert at the end of January at the far reaches of my neck of the woods, and I had made plans to go. Unfortunately , I was under doctor’s orders not to be around certain things until they knew for sure what was wrong, and this meant no concert for me, or being out in the frigid cold unless I absolutely had to be. I was devastated - I always try to bring you guys special or exclusive content you can’t find anywhere else and this was a huge opportunity I had to step away from. On behalf of the staff of Moon Chase, we’re sorry things have been still the last few weeks, and we really thank all of our fans and supporters who have written in with their sightings and well wishes - we haven’t been ignoring you! Things have just been too crazy behind the scenes, and we will likely get in touch with you in the next few days!

We will be resuming our Flashpoint summaries this week, and we will likely merge all the ratings into one post. We are really happy that the new episodes of the show doesn’t return until the beginning of March, giving us a ton of time to catch up! We have done some occasional checking and the show has so far been a success since it’s resurrection in January. I was a little bit worried that there would have been a significant drop in popularity since Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse premiered. I recorded Dollhouse and watched it after Flashpoint, and sadly, I was expecting the show to be a little more exciting and less confusing. It tried to have the charm of his most well-known work, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with it’s little quirks here and there, but it didn’t quite work. On the other hand, I think Friday’s Flashpoint was definitely my favorite episode of the entire season! Was it yours too, dear readers? Sam’s shot was probably the most intriguing part of the episode, and I definitely had questions about the real motive behind it. What are your thoughts on either Flashpoint or Dollhouse?

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