Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Police Play Silly in Taiwan

We came across this crazy story on a Chinese website, and even though we had a hard time understanding what exactly was going on, we have understood enough to bring this silly story to you Moonies. In Taiwan, to celebrate Lunar New Year, many police officers decided to hit the streets dressed up like characters from Sailor Moon. They sang and danced some popular steps (featured in the popular Wonder Girls' video for Nobody) in the streets, but the public response was mixed. Some didn't enjoy it, but some children and adults came, laughed, and joined in on the streets. Mothers and their children were especially attracted to this spectacle in the streets! They had the full get ups on, including wigs and stockings. A female offier also pretended to arrest them, and another officer dressed up as Superman also joined in the fun, and led a drum troupe. This was an effort to soften the police's image with the general public, but no one knows what sort of effect this will have on them long-term. We only wish we could have found photos from this event, but for now Sailor Venus pretending to be Sailor Moon will have to do.

(Image from The Oracle)

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