Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Almost There!

Hey Moonies! I'm still under the weather but there was major news yesterday for all you Stephanie Morgenstern fans! Because of the Writers' Strike, networks are scrambling to find ways to bring new content to their networks. American Network CBS has just picked up Stephanie Morgenstern (Sailor Venus #1) and Mark Ellis's Sniper which has just been renamed again to Flashpoint! It's difficult for our readers that are south of the border to catch work from their favorite Sailor Moon VA's, so we are elated to hear that this is a sighting that all of our North American readers can make with ease! Congratulations again to Stephanie and Mark!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sailor Moon Cosplay Still Alive and Kicking!

Hey Moonies, The Me here. First off, I want to assure you that the commercials will return, hopefully soon. Working through the backlog is taking longer than I'd hoped.

But, back to the point: this link came through the grapevine to me, some of you may have seen it already, but for the rest here it is:

Underground Cosplay ( performed this skit of Sailor Moon's Super transformation at Anime LA earlier this month. Certainly one the most creative skits I've ever seen!

If you enjoyed the video, I encourage you to go leave them a comment on YouTube, they deserve it!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Nephlite's Writing to Hit The Big Screen Very Soon!

We almost missed this one! In another big venture this year, the new Rambo movie will open on January 25th. Kevin Lund (Nephlite) was one of the writers of the screenplay for this movie, which features the legendary hero on a mission to rescue missionaries in Burma. Given the recent nature of events in Burma, we find it somewhat ironic that this film is coming out during this time. This movie is rated R for violence, and our younger readers may not be able to see this film. As always, if any of our readers will be seeing this movie, we would love to hear what you thought about it!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

News From The Other Side Of the Pond #14

Ruria Nakamura Shares Her Plans For The New Year!

Ruria Nakamura (Sailor Saturn in the Mistress Labyrinth Sera Myus) recently wrote an entry about her 2007, and what she hopes to achieve in 2008. She released a CD of her own producing entitled You Must Want last March, and in May she released her first single You Wish which did quite well with internet download sales. In August, she got to meet some of her fans and returned to the stage again in the play Memories 2. This year she hopes to meet more fans, and will be releasing a third single, titled Good Morning in February. She thinks this is her best song, because it reminds her of the love and kindness she gets from all her fans! She wishes that this year is the best that it can be for all of her fans!

Ayaka’s New DVD!

Are Any of Us Really Surprised?

Note: Ayaka has released another one of those DVDs intended for mature audiences. Click the link below to read the article.

Ayaka Komatsu (Sailor Venus in PGSM) has had quite a different career since her PGSM days. Though she continued to do some acting, she has become more notorious among the Sailor Moon community for her Idol DVDs, usually outfitted in teensy-weensy swimsuits. Though she was barely 18 when the show ended, to many fans she seemed a little young to be making these sorts of DVDs. However in Japanese culture this is pretty normal considering the nature of their idol industry. We were doing our newsrounds when we learned of a new DVD entitled, Dream Note II: A Happy Ending. Ayaka has a notebook where she writes about her dreams of wearing a variety of costumes, and magically Ayaka is wearing them herself! Boy, people will find any excuse to make a gravure idol DVD with Ayaka in it.

Click Here To Read If You're Ready!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Ferrets Anyone?

Ferretina has been on my radar since 2003, and year after year I had heard a rumor that it was going to be released. Unfortunately, this film took a very long time to animate, and information on it was scarce, aside from a few promotional images on animators' portfolios, and brief mentions of it on Roland Parliament's (Melvin and ADR director), Terri Hawkes' (Sailor Moon #2) and Stephanie Beard's (Rini #2) webpages. A few days ago, we stumbled upon a newly resurrected website for the movie, and we were astounded by the images we have seen! Up until now, the only information I had was that the movie was about a family of ferrets, it was produced in New York and Toronto, and that Roland Parliament directed and starred as Fritter the Field Mouse, Stephanie Beard played Souffle, and Terri Hawkes played Roxie. Well, now that the website is up, we can definitely confirm that several VAs are in the film (though we wonder where Terri's credit went). Jeff Lumby (Professor Tomoe) plays Stretch, Tony Daniels (Wiseman) plays Goulash, Julie Lemieux (Sammy, Peruru) plays Izzy, Susan Roman (Sailor Jupiter) plays Archer, Jennifer Gould (Himeko Nayotake, Sailor Saturn) plays Garlika, and Stephanie Beard plays Souffle! If you do not wish to be spoiled, we advise you NOT to click on synopsis. This looks like it could be a very heartwarming film, and is poised to put Canada on the map for voice talent! We're also curious if this Michael Eisner listed on the credits is the same Michael Eisner who once was the CEO of The Walt Disney Company. Other Canadian stars include Patrick McKenna, better known as Harold from the Red Green Show (which also starred Jeff Lumby) and Mark Ellis of Canadian television fame, who is better known as Stephanie Morgenstern's (Sailor Venus) husband. We hope to bring you more information on this as soon as we know, but we have a feeling that a release for this movie is just around the corner!

And Speaking of Stephanie Morgenstern...

It appears that her and Mark's pilot has been successful in their pitch to CTV and has been given picked up for a 13 episode run on CTV! Though it seems the title has been changed from Critical Incident to Sniper. We wish both of them the best of luck with this new venture which begins shooting in the Spring of this year.

All in all, the VAs have started 2008 with a bang! This is shaping up to be a very good year for the stars of Sailor Moon!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Sailor Moon Nostalgia in the News in Japan!

We wish we had new merchandise to report, but sadly we don't. We did find a couple mentions of some Sailor Moon Nostalgia in the news today!

The first one comes from Tokyo's infamous Akihabara shopping district, aka Otaku haven. The writer of this story was commenting about New Years' sales, and how shoppers are eager to find deals. Some stores handed out grab bags of odds and ends they want to get rid of for ¥3000. One of them the reporter snagged had three masks in it, a Kukuri mask from Mahojin Guru Guru, one from Brave Command Dagwon, and Sailor Pluto! Bargains included computer parts and accessories, PVRs, model kits, toys, and video games.

The second one comes from Innolife, a Japanese site aimed to be a bridge between other Asian cultures such as Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese and Japanese cultures. The South Korean Embassy of Japan is going to hold an exhibition, reminiscing of Japanese toys of the path. Japanese cartoons and entertainment from the 50's onto today are very popular in Korea, however some of the toys were hard to come by in Korea. So from January 16th to the 26th, people will have an opportunity to visit the Embassy and see a collection of these toys, filled with favorite characters such as Astroboy, Doraemon, Kamen Rider, and of course, Sailor Moon (which wasn't pictured in the article). People may even get the chance to play with some of these toys! If any of our Japanese readers are planning to attend this event we would love to see pictures!

Cooking with the Outer Senshi!

This one gave us a good laugh when we saw it! Poor Jamie Van Eaton loves Wendy's Baconator, but if he is to stick on his diet, he has to find a low-carb solution to the bun. By accident, he made a mistake when he was making his Atkins' Revolution Rolls... however this mistake proved to better the recipe, making the buns strong enough to hold the burger and less eggy in flavor! And what, you may ask is the Sailor Moon connection to this story? Simple! He thought he would share the recipe with all his readers, and have the Outer Senshi demonstrate how to make these rolls! To see the image in the article, click the next link above the picture of the burger. We have posted the image here to make the fans' life a little easier. Who knew the Outer Senshi liked cooking in their spare time?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year from Sailor Moon!

今年 (Happy New Year!) to our readers! We kick off the year with an update from Sailormoon.Channel, which features a nice picture of Usagi and Chibi-Usa in their finest Kimonos wishing everyone a Happy New Year. Among the newest updates include a day in the life of Chibi-Usa, which involves playing with friends, getting yelled at by Usagi and Mamoru, drawing a manga about her friends, and going to sleep. Awhh, how typical of a small child in the Sailor Moon Universe!

We also noticed a mail update which featured Luna answering fanmail from a very diverse bunch of fans! One is from a 19 year old who said she has loved Sailor Moon since Kindergarten, and someday when she gets married and has children, she wants to show her kids the show. Luna responds that she finds it very loving that a parent and a child can like the same show together, and hopes she finds a loving and kind husband! A 9-year-old asked what the difference was between Luna and Luna-P Ball is, and Luna said that Luna-P is modeled after her in the 30th century, and is Chibi-Usa's toy. Another fan asked why the updates to the mail room are irregular, and Luna responded by saying that she hopes to update more regularly this year. That's one of our resolutions this year too, along with getting a forum and sorting through the commercials. A 10-year-old girl writes to Luna saying she loves Sailor Pluto and wants to be like her when she grows up, and Luna says that Sailor Pluto is a fine lady that is good to grow up to be like! And finally, a 9-year-old asked why her beloved Usagi never gets fat from eating all that candy, and Luna says that though she has a sweet tooth, she always eats candy in moderation. We're not sure who writes this, if it's Naoko or someone else who works at Bandai. Nonetheless, this bunch of letters takes the cake for the funniest yet!