Monday, November 24, 2008

Stephanie Morgenstern Appeared at Event!

Stephanie Morgenstern (Sailor Venus #1) just doesn't appear at the occasional convention to meet her fans - last weekend, she appeared at an event in Calgary as the guest speaker! She shared her experiences in conversation with moderator Carol Whiteman at the 10th anniversary celebration of Women in Film and Television (Alberta Chapter). And the best part is, her part in Sailor Moon was mentioned on the site (we all jumped out of our chairs in joy when we read that)! We admire Stephanie for branching out to organizations and filmpools like this , continuing to inspire and mentor other Canadians trying to make it in the industry. If perchance any of our blog readers were at the event and would like to share a few anecdotes, don't hesitate to contact us!

And for all you North American fans patiently awaiting the return of Flashpoint... we saw last week's episode. And even though we are EXPLODING with excitement waiting to tell you all what happened, we are restraining ourselves with anything we can in fairness to the cast and crew. We can't wait to see this air on North American screens, and dear readers, you will not be disappointed. It will be worth the wait :).

Friday, November 21, 2008

Halloween Moonie Mayhem!

We really hoped we'd get some more email from fans about what they did for Halloween (but we didn't :( ). Since there's video in this post, we're going to throw up the rest of it after the jump - with a warning: one of our videos is rated R for content. Don't click the jump below unless you're okay watching Sailor Moon being portrayed as a dumb blonde alongside references to "tentacles". If you don't know what any of that means, then you're probably too young to hit the jump.

The Halloween Episode of G4's Attack of the Show featured hosts Olivia Munn and Kevin Pereira dressed as a variety of characters... Kevin, not so much. He spent the episode switching between Billy Mays, Richard Karn, and finally, the king of every tween girl's heart at this moment Zac Efron . Olivia Munn had a greater variety of costumes, including the Google Phone, Noriko from one of my favorite PS3 games this year Heavenly Sword, and Sailor Moon. She didn't quite get the fuku right, and portrayed her as a dumb blonde . Kevin mentioned she was missing a tentacle, and before you knew it, the pair were wreaking hentai havoc on the set! G4 has posted a video of the show's highlights... and we have to ask, Olivia, was that last Sailor Moon sketch really that necessary? Check out the photo gallery here and the highlights video here! Thanks to all our fans who wrote in with this sighting!

And finally, we have a sequel to a video we posted a while ago! NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE THE PURE AWESOMENESS OF THE COSPLAY IN THIS ONE! To whoever came up with those ideas for cosplay sketches, we'd really like to know how long it took you to put these together - and if you are planning any more soon! We'd love to see more!

Click Here To Read If You're Ready!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: More Flashpoint Ordered!

Hot off the presses, we have just learned that Stephanie Morgenstern's (Sailor Venus #1) Flashpoint has just had another 5 episodes added to its second season, bringing Season Two's episode total to 18! We are so happy to have 5 more episodes of Flashpoint :)! Since we have a feeling that the four episodes that didn't air are probably going to be added to the North American run of Season Two, this brings the total to 22 episodes - that's a count that most seasons on primetime have, so we are finally getting a full season of Flashpoint! This deal was set in stone two weeks ago, but is just being made public now. Congratulations to Stephanie and her husband Mark Ellis on this achievement!

(P.S. did any New Zealanders catch yesterday's episode? We'd love to hear how it was!)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hunter X Hunter News!

Naoko Saw A Monkey?!

More on this exciting news later... Hunter X Hunter volume 26 continues to do well in Japan, and was the top selling manga for the month of October. We really like this writer's spin on the series. He wrote: "Togashi started the serial in 1998, and now it's an irregular serial". Irregular, you say? We'll be using that word a lot more from now on. We read on a posting on 2chan that he announced the climax would not begin this year, and that he didn't know when it would begin. We don't know if this is for the arc or the series, as of this writing. Anyway, a few highlights from his weekly endnotes to his fans...

☀ He wants to lose about 5% of his body fat after a recent physical. He took up biking, but he lives near a junior high school and he was going to take his bike there to have them inspect it and fix it. He felt a little uneasy about that.

☀ He thanked fans for their patience with him, and feels that since the 22nd volume of the manga, that his linestrokes have been strong and he is able to draw better than he could before. He finds it frustrating that sometimes he discards a lot of drawings that don't turn out correctly, but he is sure that all his readers like this higher quality work of his.

☀ And the kicker?! In last week's issue, he wrote:

My wife saw a monkey in the garden. He escaped to the junior high school in the neighborhood after that. The people in the junior high school have seen that monkey recently, even though we live in the same neighborhood and just noticed it now.

We kinda wish the monkey dropped off a letter for Naoko asking for Sailor Moon to come back to the world! Until then, any revelation from Mr. Togashi about Naoko is a really big deal for all us fans - even if it is only about her seeing a monkey in her garden!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More Flashpoint Around The World!

Flashpoint started two weeks ago in Brazil on that country's equivalent of the WB - and we are in love with the official site that they have created for the show! We think it's even better than the ones CTV and CBS created! The show airs on Thursdays at 10 PM, in ER's old timeslot. Some Brazilians have commented that they are angry with the channel's decision to move ER to Fridays and they will not watch this show?! Please give this show a chance, you will not be disappointed! From the trailer on the site, it looks like it will be airing in English with Spanish subtitles. We encourage our readers from around the world to send us an email if the show is airing in their country - we would love to hear about it !

New Zealand to Get "Lost Episodes"!

And this here is breaking news! We have learned that the 10th episode of Flashpoint, Eagle Two, is going to air tomorrow on TVNZ. Out of respect for the Canadian and American broadcasters, we will not post a summary of this episode until it airs in North America. By all means though, if any of our New Zealand fans happen to catch the episode and would like to post in our comments how the episode was , we are sure our fans would love to hear about it! For those of you who want to check out the trailer for Eagle Two, click here!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Flashpoint Rested for Only A Flash...

Haha, and the sad part is, I never get tired of cracking jokes including the word "flash" for this show... Flashpoint has been up to a lot since we last updated, so let's get to the roundup!

Sergio Di Zio in Award-Winning Play!

We don't normally talk about co-stars of Sailor Moon actors on this site, but we're making an exception because we love playing Six Degrees Of Sailor Moon! Sergio Di Zio , who plays Mike "Spike" Scarlatti (the bomb expert) on Flashpoint is starring in a play making it's rounds around Canada! He will appear in Scorched, a play about a mother’s last will and testament that sends her surviving twins Simon and Janine plunging into her past in a war-torn country on a journey in pursuit of their origins. She wishes for them to travel back to her country to find a brother they never knew about, and a father who is claimed to have died for the country. The show will play for the second time at the Tarragon Theatre in Toronto, it had a sold-out run in February of 2007 and won two Dora awards! Lyon Smith (Sapphire) has often worked behind-the-scenes with sound for many of the plays at that theater. Sergio will be playing Simon, described as"an amateur boxer with a short fuse" who resents his mother. The play is currently showing in Winnipeg at the MTC Warehouse until November 29th. All of you are encouraged to go see this if you can! In an interview with the Winnipeg Sun, he revealed that Flashpoint recently began shooting it's second season. Stephanie Morgenstern (Sailor Venus #1) and Mark Ellis didn't get much of a break in between it seems :(. Nonetheless, we look forward to seeing what harrowing situations the SRU is faced with episode 10 (first season, still unaired!) and beyond....

Flashpoint May Be Coming Back Earlier Than We Expected?

When Flashpoint abruptly ended last September with four episodes still left to air on CBS and CTV, many television critics and writers predicted the last few episodes would be a midseason replacement should CBS cancel a show. And it looks like that day is coming soon. Just a few weeks ago, the network canceled The Ex-List, which aired on a Friday night. Since then, the slot has been filled with re-runs of NCIS which have been doing well in the ratings, but it has been speculated by some critics that CBS will have to come up with a better solution. And they are predicting that Flashpoint is going to fill this timeslot soon between (ugh) The Horse Whisperer and Numb3rs. Keep your fingers crossed Moonies, we may be seeing the lost episodes of Flashpoint a lot sooner than we expected! Flashpoint is available on iTunes Canada for $1.99 an episode, or 23.99 for a Season Pass, which will allow you to purchase all the episodes for Season 1 (including those that are upcoming). For more information, iTunes Canada members can click here.

Anne Marie La Traverse and Bill Mustos Named Canadian Producers of the Year by Playback!

Our favorite Canadian media industry publication has just named Flashpoint's Anne Marie La Traverse and Bill Mustos Producers of the Year! More will be featured in Playback's November 24th issue, and we have our fingers crossed that the show will win more accolades in their December issue!

And Finally, Flashpoint in Poland!

We are some of the luckiest bloggers in the world for two reasons: we've gotten to meet and work with a lot of interesting people since this site started, and we have got one of the best international fanbases who interact with us often helping us bring news to the fans they wouldn't find anywhere else! One of these fans is Maciej Puka, who emailed us all the way from Poland to tell us a little bit about Flashpoint! The show has been part of Poland's nScreen VOD service for a few months now and Maciej tell us that this service costs $9 US ($30 Poland Zloty) a month, and the show is available in HD. What surprised us even more was when he told us that not only was the show dubbed in Polish, but subscribers had three versions to pick from. The English version (what we see on TV here), English version with Polish subtitles, and the Polish dub! This is really cool that Polish people have the choice to watch it in English if they want to! We encourage the rest of our readers overseas who know anything about how this show is delivered in their country to tell us about it! We would love to feature it on this site, as Flashpoint is probably going to take the cake for the biggest achievement by a North American VA this year!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

URGENT! If You Want A Dash Of Sugar In Ottawa This Weekend...

To our readers: we apologize for not getting this to you sooner. It seems Stephanie "Sugar" Beard (Rini #2) posted this on her MySpace just days ago and nowhere on her official website. She is appearing right now, as we speak, at Ottawa's Naru 2 U anime convention (which announced this back in August, but we can't keep track of every con). This morning, she hosted a Saturday Morning Cartoons Block, followed by an autograph session . Tomorrow afternoon, she will be hosting a Sunday Morning Cartoon Block, along with an autograph Session. The schedule is posted here in Microsoft Excel Format. We still don't know what she is up to in California, or where you all can see her next. Those of you who are going to this con in Ottawa, we would love to hear what happened and feature it on this site! Don't hesitate to contact us!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Hello readers! I should really stop making announcements that I have time to write posts since that seems to jinx me the very next day... rest assured, I have this entire weekend free! So I'm going to work very hard to get as much done as I can for you all. I was worried that our readership would have slipped significantly during this hiatus, but thankfully it didn't and (I probably don't say this enough) thanks to you all for your support!

In the meantime though, if you haven't checked out The Me's post below about possibly one of the most hideous Sailor Sightings ever on TV, I highly recommend you do!
Some other posts from other places to keep you busy:
☀ Kotaku makes mentions of perks of upcoming Club Nintendo Memberships in North America, and really makes my day talking about G.i.r.l. !
☀ Recently, a really HQ trailer of the Live Action Dragon Ball Movie popped up on the internet. And, Piccolo reminds us a little bit of Darth Sidious. I'm not any more excited to see this movie after seeing this trailer, are you?
☀And I'll end with a couple Sailor Moon tidbits for you all! ANN posted a review of a Sailor Moon Arcade game we bet only a few of you have ever heard of , and once again, it seems Sailor Moon has had a strange influence on fashion. This time, with designer Renata Morales, according to Mosha Lundström Halbert, a writer for the Varsity. Check out the pictures from her collection here!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sailor Moon on The Price is Right

Hey Moonies, we continue to apologize for the lack of regular updates. Neither myself nor sailordees are being spared much time at present, so updates are pretty shaky. sailordees should have an update full of Halloween stuff for you this weekend, so stay tuned for that. Unfortunately for now the Commercials Corner is going to be on indefinite hold because of the immense amount of time it takes up, though if we get wind of any sightings of Keiko Kitagawa or any of the other PGSM actresses, we'll make sure they make their way here.

Of course, we're still looking for writers to help us get the stories flowing again, so if you have the talent and are interested, check out the link on the sidebar and drop us a line.

But, onto the real feature, this one made its way to our ears and we found it pretty interesting!

Rich Fields presents this showcase by doing a spoken-word version of "One Week" by the Bare Naked Ladies, famous for its verse that includes Sailor Moon and a reference to other "anime babes". Speaking that verse as a lead-in to the last prize, it was presented by one of the Price is Right models dressed up in an obvious homage to Sailor Moon, including her hair style. Of course, it's not hard to tell that the colors are all wrong (for copyright reasons, most likely) and she tried to do the pose (possibly copyright again), but the thought is certainly appreciated nonetheless. All in all, not something you'd normally expect on daytime TV.