Monday, September 13, 2010

Operation Moonrise Surveys are ALL OVER! THANK YOU MOONIES!

Thank you Moonies for your support of Operation Moonrise's surveys! We are now officially finished running all of our surveys - we think we have asked fans every possible question that could be of interest to everyone! Our final total for this survey is a whopping 1862 responses! This brings our grand total of responses since we began these surveys over a year ago to 4,727! We want to thank each and every Moonie for their support of this campaign, through posting links and helping us get the word out. This is our most successful survey that we have ever run, and we would not have done this without you!

(now it is time for all of us on the MC staff to take a much deserved rest)


Anonymous said...

Yay!! I'm glad we got them done with a lot of help! Now we just have to wait for the results. ^^

when did i make this said...

i think our heroes at moon chase deserve a long, hard-earned nap for the entire day!