Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Twitter is Fixed, Social Networking Pages are Go!

Hey everyone - keep those surveys coming! I edited the introduction this morning and added the guidelines and a few links. Our Twitter account has finally been fixed - and for those of you who are stuck, we came across a tip on one of the help forums from another user who stumbled upon a solution. We're going to share this one with you because over a month ago Twitter support said there was a solution on the way... and it hasn't happened yet.

1. Upload and make all your profile changes. At this point, it does not matter if all of them show up or not, so long as they have been uploaded and/or set.
2. Go into your account settings. Change your email.
3. After this is done, your design and profile changes should magically appear! Now you can change your email back to the one you want to use for your Twitter account.

Future changes may require you to change your email back and forth again. Don't ask us why or how this works, we really don't know.

I will update our Twitter each morning with a silly news link and an eBay link of the day. Also, I have fiddled with the settings on twitterfeed so now stories that we post should only appear once.

We also have a Facebook page where all of us on staff will pop in once in a while to interact with fans, and both our Twitter and Moon Chase Blog feeds are set up on it as well. All you have to do is click on the Boxes tab, and Simply RSS should show up with both of our feeds in short, brief, headlines.

And on the plus side, we got our 20th forums member early this morning! Come join the party!

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