Monday, November 02, 2009

Things to Come...

Hey everyone: We're going to take this time to catch you up with what is going on behind the scenes of Moon Chase. We are finally finished the entire report and are getting prepared to send it off to the companies involved later this week. Then, our staff is going to break for a few days (we really need it!) before getting back to a normal pace for the site. These reports are nearly 100 pages long, complete with charts, letters, fans' comments, and we have also added a unique perspective of how past management of the series have affected the fans. We've pretty much written a 15 year history of Sailor Moon. After we have received word that they have been received, we will be posting a much shorter version of the results online on another site which has graciously agreed to host them for us. We can't say which site that is quite yet.

I got in touch with both of the companies today and they are both interested in the results :).

We also have an exclusive interview with Linda Ballantyne, so please keep an eye out for that at the end of the week! Linda was the third actress to play Sailor Moon in the 3rd and 4th seasons, but did you also know she played Snow Princess Kaguya in the Sailor Moon S Movie? We were a little shocked that Optimum Productions didn't list anyone in the credits that was not playing a hero. So, whatever you may read on other sites, Catherine Disher did NOT play Snow Princess Kaguya. If you hear her voice in the movie and compare it to Linda's other work in cartoons, we're sure you'll hear that it is her! We're also working on some other surprises. Just think of this as our little reward to you fans for being such good sports during the most grueling parts of the campaigns!

We've decided to also break the Japanese writing campaign into two parts, since we are coming upon the holiday season. We have some very creative ideas being thrown about the staff behind the scenes and we hope to have the first part of Phase 4 up within the next 2-3 weeks.

As always, we will keep you guys posted with anything that happens with the campaign and what's going on with the rights to Sailor Moon around the world! Thanks to every fan who participated in this campaign. The fight to bring Sailor Moon back is just beginning!


Anonymous said...

This sounds so awesome!! Which 2 companies did you send the results to that were interested in them? I can't wait to see what the future holds for SM in the USA. Looking forward to reading that interview with the 3rd Serena too! Great job guys, keep up the good work! I love this website! :)

esahC said...

We'll see guys, we'll see. Good luck though! And have fun once the break comes!

BTW, speaking of "exclusive interview", I got something that might interested you guys. Stephannie Beard agreed to do a interview with me days ago, and as of this posting, I just sent the questions to her. If you guys want the interview for posting(while there is Sailor Moon related questions, a lot of them aren't), let me know. Just credit me if you DO want it, okay?

See, even I can contributed to this fanbase in a positive way! :)

sailordees said...

Called up FUNImation and Toei today. That's all I can say! I was very worried I wasn't going to get a hold of anyone at Toei but I finally did on my 4th or 5th try!

esahC you're better off checking with her to see if she is okay with us posting the interview. If she is okay with it, then we will!

esahC said...

Will and can do.

Anonymous said...

What is your proof that Linda played Princess Snow Kaguya?

That was Catherine's voice no doubt. Compare Kaguya's voice to Mimet, Blizabeth, and Tamasaburo.

sailordees said...

Anonymous: She told us herself. If you have twitter, you can ask her there too if you don't believe us.

SailorG said...

Wow, I didn't know Linda Ballantyne voiced Princess Snow Kaguya. She is my 2nd favorite actress to voice Sailor Moon right behind Terri Hawkes

lucky said...

You probably saw this already but it is still very interesting:

I was planning to somehow contact Toei as proof we want Sailor Moon, but I'm just going to hold off for a while until something else happens

Anonymous said...

I still don't believe it. I mean, Catherine Disher has a distinct voice.

EcoReck said...

Linda voiced Princess Snow Kaguya?! Wow! Also, good luck on the interview! I'm pretty psyched!

Sakky said...

Thanks so much for all of your hard work! We all appreciate it a lot!

ヘザー said...

I wish I had known about this blog sooner!!!! Fingers crossed, I really want to be able to share the 5th season of Sailor Moon with my niece! :D I want the musicals and the live action series released in the states!!!!